First Patients Enrolled in the CPMS for VASCERN!

VASCERN is happy to report that we have enrolled out first two patients, one from France and one from the Netherlands, in the Clinical Patient Management System (CPMS). We also just launched our first panel in the CPMS, with more than 10 HCP representatives from 7 countries participating!

The CPMS is a secure web-based application, developped by OpenApp in collaboration the European Commission (DG SANTE), which is used to support the European Reference Networks in the diagnosis and treatment of rare or low prevalence complex diseases or conditions across national borders.

We look forward to launching the first panels within each of the 5 Rare Disease Working Groups (RDWGs) over the coming months so that these virtual cross-border consultations between experts can lead to the improved diagnosis and treatment of all rare vascular disease patients across Europe.

To watch an introductory video of the CPMS and how the panels work, click here

To access the CPMS click here

For VASCERN HCP members needing instructions on how to register for the CPMS please read: Accessing the Clinical Patient Management System

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