Call for new HCP Full Members to join the existing 24 ERNs now open!

For new HCPs, not yet a member of VASCERN

The European Commission has just launched the call for new Healthcare Providers Full Members to join the existing 24 European Reference Networks (ERNs), which will run from September 30th until November 30th, 2019.

We look forward to expanding our network to include new HCP Full Members, from countries which are not yet represented in the respective Rare Disease Working Groups (RDWGs) of VASCERN in which they are applying to.

As you can see in our members lists, we currently have

  • New Affiliated Partners (Associated National Centers and National Coordination Hubs), that are currently being integrated in VASCERN from new EU countries such as Slovenia, Austria, Malta and Spain

If you wish to apply:

  1. Check our 5 Rare Disease Working Groups’ (HHT, HTAD, MSA, PPL, VASCA) areas of expertise in order to see in which VASCERN RDWG you would like to apply to
  2. Contact us (see VASCERN contact form here), as we will provide you with further guidance
  3. Access the European Commission online application tool, in addition to all of the information on how to become a ERN HCP Full Member, here

In particular, you will find:

Once again, the deadline to apply is November 30th, 2019!

For new expert units within an HCP already member of VASCERN

For Expert units, which are within an HCP which is already a Full Member of VASCERN, please note that the process of application to the ERN will be different and should be agreed by the ERN Board of Member States in the following months.

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