Major European Grant for New Research Program: Solve-RD

We are excited to report on a new large-scale research Program called Solve-RD! The Solve-RD research program is a project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 that will directly involve the European Reference Networks (ERNs) in order to diagnose currently undiagnosed rare disease patients using the latest in genetic technologies (i.e. ‘multi-omics’ methods).

A €15 million grant was awarded to the consortium, led my Prof Olaf Riess from the University of Tübingen, Prof Han Brunner from the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre and Prof Anthony Brookes from the University of Leicester, to fund this innovative and ambitious project. An additional 18 other partner organisations (including Orphanet and EURORDIS) will also be involved.

Currently, Solve-RD includes a core group of four ERNs: the ERNs for rare neurological diseases (ERN-RND), neuromuscular diseases (ERN-EURO-NMD), congenital malformations and intellectual disability (ERN-ITHACA) and genetic tumor risk syndromes (ERN-GENTURIS). These ERNs will be the first to share and analyse their patient data, followed by others at a later date. This collaborative project aims to increase our knowledge on rare diseases (and their causes) and will have a significant impact on the diagnosis and treatment of rare disease patients across Europe.

For more information click here


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