CPMS virtual meetings this month

This month, members of the Vascular Anomalies Working Group (VASCA WG) held a virtual meeting using the Clinical Patient Management System (CPMS) in order to discuss two new patients cases.

They used the CPMS’s videoconferencing tool in order to schedule a dedicated meeting where two Dutch patients were discussed. The panel lead was Professor Leo Schultze Kool (VASCA WG Co-Chair) and VASCA WG Chair, Professor Miikka Vikkula from Belgium, and VASCA WG members, Professor Paivi Salminen from Finland and Dr. Paolo Gasparella from Austria, participated in these panels in order to come up with solutions for the complex patient cases.

One of the panels is now closed while the other will require a follow-up discussion. The VASCA WG also held a videoconference meeting in June, discussing a Finnish patient. They plan to have monthly videoconference sessions using the CPMS.

The Pediatric and Primary Lymphedema Working Group (PPL WG) also used the videoconferencing tool of the CPMS to discuss an English case in March.

We anticipate this videoconferencing functionality of the CPMS to be used more and more in the future by all our members!

For all information on the CPMS, visit our dedicated CPMS page here.

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