Newsletter #17 - February 2018
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VASCERN 1st year Deliverables submitted!
VASCERN is a European Reference Network, an EU Project co-funded by the European Union 3rd Health Programme. Under the 5 year Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) with the European Commission, VASCERN has…
First HTAD-WG Pill of Knowledge Published!
The first Pill of Knowledge (PoK) by the Heritable Thoracic Aortic Diseases (HTAD) Working Group (WG) is now available on our YouTube Channel! This PoK is on the topic of…
VASCERN Spotlights: Professor Guillaume Jondeau
VASCERN Spotlights: Professor Guillaume Jondeau This month we interview VASCERN Coordinator, Professor Guillaume Jondeau, a cardiologist from Paris, France. Prof Jondeau took the time to answer our questions about…
VASCERN selected for EU eHealth Funding
VASCERN (as well as other European Reference Networks for rare diseases) has answer to the Connecting Europe Facility Telecom Call 2017 on eHealth for ERNs last September. VASCERN's proposal as well as…
VASCERN at the Rare Disease Village!
The 11th edition of Rare Disease Day 2018 takes place on February 28th, 2018 and to mark this International day of raising awareness for rare diseases, VASCERN will be attending…
Editorial on the European Reference Networks in OrphaNews
The latest edition of OrphaNews features an editorial dedicated to the European ReferenceNetworks (ERNs), highlighting their first year of achievements and the challenges they still face ahead. Many topics are covered including the successful launch and…
VASCERNdays2017: Read Our Full Report Now!
We are pleased to announce that the full report from VASCERN’s First Annual Seminar (#VASCERNdays2017) is now available! This comprehensive report details the two day seminar that took place in…
VASCERN Spotlights: Natascha Assies
VASCERN Spotlights: Natascha Assies Welcome to a new monthly article segment entitled VASCERN Spotlights! Each month we will introduce one of the passionate and hard-working members of our network through…
First two Pills of Knowledge (PoK) Videos by VASCERN Now Available!
We are very pleased to announce that the first two Pills of Knowledge (PoK) produced by VASCERN are now available on our YouTube channel! These first two PoK have been…
New HTAD Scientific Publication
A new publication, co-authored by Prof Alessandro Pini (VASCERN eHealth and Training & Education Chair and HTAD-WG and MSA-WG member), entitled "Impaired Central Pulsatile Hemodynamics in Children and Adolescents With Marfan Syndrome"…
Up-coming events
Rare Disease Day 2018 will take place on February 28th, 2018! This yearly International event aims to to raise awareness for Rare Diseases with the general public and policy-makers and everyone is encouraged to take part!
There will be numerous events all around the world, including a Rare Disease Day 2018 event in Paris, France organised by the French Rare Disease Networks. The "Rare Disease Village" will take place in Paris under the canopy of the Forum des Halles. Visitors will be able to participate in a wide variety of interactive activities including a central area dedicated to adaptive sports, rare disease quizzes with prizes, a photobooth and various workshops on different themes such as "Dare Diseases and Nutrition" and "Introduction to Rare Disease Research". This event aims to reach out to the general public in order to raise awareness for rare diseases.
VASCERN will equally be in attendance at this event in order to inform the public about VASCERN and the European Reference Networks (ERNs) in general. We look forward to seeing you there!
For a list of events near you click here
All information at
The official 2018 Rare Disease Day video is now available (in 24 languages)! Find it here
Brussels, Belgium
The 4th ERN Coordinators Group Meeting will take place on March 5th, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium.
10:00AM-16:30PM (CET)Brussels, Belgium
Bologna, Italy
The RE(ACT) CONGRESS, the International Congress on Research of Rare and Orphan Diseases, will take place in Bologna, Itlay from July 7-10, 2018.
All information about the RE(ACT) CONGRESS & registration available here.
For a limited time, a special registration rate for the RE(ACT) Congress 2018 is available. The special price is 250 Euros (only payable by credit card and not applicable to private companies). To benefit of the special rate, please register on the registration page and insert the promotional code “HAPPYCRAZYRATE” at the end of the form.
Cambridge, UK
All information on this conference here
Tutzing/Starnberger, Germany
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The 10th International Research Symposium on Marfan Syndrome (MFS) and Related Disorders (RD) will take place from the 3rd-5th of May, 2018 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
This symposium brings together the world’s leading experts (including members from the VASCERN HTAD WG) to discuss the most recent and innovative research on MFS and RD. A wide variety of topics will be discussed including sessions on "Genetic and Environmental Modifiers of MFS and RD Phenotypic Variability" to "Medical and Holistic Treatment Options for Pain in MFS".
Early bird registration ends on February 1st, 2018! To register for this event, click here
Find the schedule for the event here
For further information, click here
Vienna, Austria
ECRD – the European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products is the largest multi-stakeholder gathering in Europe for the rare disease community covering research, development of new treatments, healthcare, social care, public health policies and support at European, national, regional and international levels.
All information & registration available here
Deadline to register: 27 April 2018 Early-bird cut off date: 15 March 2018
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Our VASCA-WG will assemble for a face-to-face meeting on Monday May 28th in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Further details TBA.
This meeting will be held before the ISSVA 22nd International Workshop, that runs from May 30th-June 1st, 2018. More details here.
London, UK
The VASCERN HHT-WG will have a face-to-face meeting in London, UK on May 29th, 2018. Further details on this meeting TBA.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The 22nd ISSVA (International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies) International Workshop will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands from May 29-June 1st, 2018. This biannual meeting will be co-chaired by Prof Leo Schultze Kool (co-chair of the VASCA WG and chair of the Patient Registry WG) and will be attended by specialists from expert centres all around the world.
All of the HCP members of the VASCA WG will be represented and a large number of them will equally be speaking at the event or presenting posters. Our VASCA-WG will use this opportunity to assemble for a face-to-face meeting on Monday May 28th.
This year, for the first time, patient organisations will be actively involved and there will be a Patient Organisations meeting that will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday May 29th, 2018.
This biannual meeting, which is attended by a wide array of specialists including intervention radiologists, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, ENT surgeons, pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, oncologists and pathologists, presents the latest developments in this fast moving area.
Watch the promotional video here
Early bird registration deadline: 16 March 2018
Discounted registration deadline: 1 May 2018
All information and registration on the event page here
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The 8th International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF) Conference will take place from the 6th-9th of June, 2018 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. This conference, hosted by the ILF and the Dutch Lymphoedema Framework (NLNet) will be a great opportunity for healthcare professionals, researchers, patients, and industry to discuss the latest advances in the treatment and care of lymphoedema and to raise awareness in order to make it a priority on all national health agendas.
There will also be a Children's Day on June 9th, where children can participate in a variety of workshops all centered around the theme ‘Children and edema: a dynamic duo’.
Register here
For more information, click here!
Barcelona, Spain
The EURORDIS summer school is taking place in Barcelona from the 11 - 15 June 2018. This year, the summer school will focus on educating patients and researchers on the regulatory process of orphan medicinal products in Europe in order to strengthen their advocacy skills. The last day to register for the English edition is November 30th, 2017 and the last day to register for the Spanish edition is December 15th, 2017.
All information here
Milan, Italy
The latest advances in human genetics will be explored at the the 51st European Human Genetics Conference in Milan, Italy from June 16-19, 2018. Participants from all over the world will be in attendance and VASCERN members, Prof Laurence Boon (VASCA WG) and Prof Miikka Vikkula (Chair of VASCA WG) will be speakers at this exciting event.
Deadline to submit an abstract: Friday, March 9, 2018
Early bird deadline: Friday, April 6, 2018
Link to programme here
For further information visit the event website here
London, UK
The International Congress on Advanced Treatments in Rare Diseases (RARE2018) will take place from July 2-3, 2018 in London, UK. This congress will address the challenges of developing rare disease treatments as well present the latest in rare disease therapies.
Early bird registration, until March 14, 2018, here
For full programme, click here
For further information click here
Warth (Canton Thurgau), Switzerland
The 6th radiz Rare Diseases Summer School will take place in the Kartause Ittingen, Warth (Canton Thurgau), Switzerland, from July 11th to July 13th 2018. It is organised by radiz, a clinical research priority program of the University of Zurich with collaborations between the Children's Hospital Zurich, the University of Zurich, and the UniversityHospital Zurich.
Lectures by national and international rare disease experts, workshops and poster presentations by participants will all take place during this 3 day event!
Application deadline: April 9th 2018.
See preliminary programme here
For more information click here
Munich, Germany
The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2018, the world's largest cardiovascular congress, will take place from August 25-29th, 2018 in Munich, Germany.
For more information click here
Early Registration Deadline: May 31, 2018.
Register for this event here
To be confirmed
VASCERN Days 2018 (2 days annual seminar) will take place on October 11-12, 2018.
Location is to be confirmed!
Barcelona, Spain
Europe’s largest Orphan Drug Congress will be back for an 8th session from November 6-8, 2018 in Barcelona Spain. This congress allows the rare disease community a chance to discover the latest developments and technologies in the orphan drugs industry.
All information and registration on the event page here
EU calls
The European Research Area Network on Cardiovascular Diseases (ERA-CVD) has announced the Joint Transnational Call 2018 (JTC 2018) entitled “Transnational Cardiovascular Research Projects driven by Early Career Scientists” that opened on January 11th, 2018.
This call is open to all early career scientists, which is defined as a scientist that has “been awarded his/her first doctoral degree at least 3 years and up to 10 years prior to the pre-proposal deadline of the ERA-CVD JTC 2018”, in the field of cardiovascular diseases. Funding will only be awarded to transnational projects with a minimum three research groups from three different countries (for the list of eligible countries and their corresponding funding organisations, see link below).
This call aims to foster international collaboration and interchange between early career scientists in order to answer key questions in cardiovascular disease research with innovative and ambitious multidisciplinary research projects.
Link to call text here
For all other information:
Call opens: January 11, 2018
Deadline for submission the pre-proposals: March 15, 2018, 17:00 CET
Deadline for submission the full-proposals: June 15, 2018, 17:00 CET
The European Commision Call for the European Joint Programme Co-fund on Rare Diseases has been published:
The overall objective is to implement a European Joint Programme (EJP) Cofund for Rare Diseases which would create a research and innovation pipeline "from bench to bedside" ensuring rapid translation of research results into clinical applications and uptake in healthcare for the benefit of patients.
The initiative should follow the policies and contribute to the objectives of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC).
17:00PM (CET)
The objective of this action is to support Member states in improving the gathering of information on rare diseases by the implementation of Orphacodes (rare diseases specific codification system).
For more information click here
Submission deadline: 26 April 2018 at 17:00 PM (CET)
European Reference Network