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Members Area available!
VASCERN Members are invited to create a EU login and access the VASCERN Collaborative IT Platform here !
VASCERN 1st Annual Meeting: 13-14 October 2017
The first VASCERN Annual Assembly and Board Meeting will take place in October 13-14th in Paris!
ERN Project wins European Ombudsman Award
The European Reference Network Project "EU collaboration to help patients with rare diseases" led by the ERN Team of the European Commission (DG SANTE) has received the European Ombudsman Award for…
Presentations & Videos of Vilnius online
All presentations and videos from the ERNs Launch Conference, which took place in Vilnius on March 9-10th 2017 are available here
Patients’ Rights in EU Cross-border Healthcare
Information on patients' rights with regard to cross-border healthcare in the European Union: Leaflet on Patients' Rights in Cross-Border Healthcare Video on Patients' Rights in Cross-Border Healthcare Q&A on Patients'…
What are ERNs? All EU Languages available
European Reference Networks are gathering the best expertise to improve care in Rare Diseases in Europe. 24 ERNs covering all major Rare Disease groups - this link includes 1 factsheet per…
The ERNs Launch in Vilnius
More photos & live tweets on the VASCERN twitter moment of the Conference here VASCERN is back from the European Reference Networks Launch Conference, organised by the ERN Team of the…
Follow VASCERN on Twitter!
VASCERN has now a twitter account ! Follow us @vascern
European Reference Networks Conference
The European Commission organises the 3rd European Reference Networks Conference in Vilnius on March, 9-10th. This event will be the official launch and start of the first labelized European Reference…
EURORDIS 20th anniversary
2017 is EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe, the European association representing rare diseases, 20th anniversary. This is the opportunity to look at 20 years of achievements and challenges ahead: here
Up-coming events
Videoconference call
The eHealth WG, Chaired by Dr Alessandro Pini, Representative of our Member Centro Malattie Rare – Marfan Clinic, Milan, Italy, will have its first monthly virtual meeting on May, 2nd. The agenda includes the development of our VASCERN Mobile Application for cross-border healthcare. This Mobile Application (for IOS and Android Smartphone) will enable patients and professionals to easily find all necessary contact information about the expertise centers in rare vascular diseases.
Videoconference call
Meeting organised by EURORDIS with the Patient Group (ePAG) on the development of the ePAG and EURORDIS support
Info and registration here
Budapest, Hungary
Save the date! All information about the meeting and the patient fellowships are available here
Stuttgart, Germany
More information and registration here
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Abstract submission here until February 28th
This International event will gather world’s leading HHT experts in both basic research as well as clinical practice, including our VASCern HHT-WG Chairs and Members.
Hans Jurgen-Mager, MD, PhD, HCP Representative and Member of the VASCern HHT-WG is also Co-Chair of the Cure-HHT Organising Committee for this international meeting.
All information and registration available here
London, UK
All information and registration here
Prague, Czech Republic
In Prague, over two days, 14 leading experts will review recent advances across the spectrum of cardiology. Interact with colleagues, exchange information and ideas, and get updated – helping you to provide the best care for your patients!
Programme: here
All information and registration here
Lyon, France
The European Society of Vascular Surgery organises its 31th annual meeting in Lyon on September, 22-23rd 2017.
All information here
Barcelona, Spain
Every 2 years, ISL Conference welcomes 1.000 doctors and therapy professionals from all over the world, to benefit from new research and innovate solutions to the many issues faced by health practitioners who treat people with lymphatic dysfunction. New deadline for abstract submission : 31st March 2017
More information and registration here
Barcelona, Spain
The International Society of Lymphology organises its 26th World Congress in September in Barcelona. The Members of our VASCERN Pediatric and Primary Lymphedema Working Group will meet there!
All information and registration here
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ISSVA 2018
This biannual meeting, which is attended by a wide array of specialists including intervention radiologists, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, ENT surgeons, pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, oncologists and pathologists, presents the latest developments in this fast moving area.
All information and registration on the event page here
EU calls
More information on the call here
Call identifier: ERC-2017-AdG
ERC Advanced Grant Principal Investigators are expected to be active researchers and to have a track record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years which must be presented in the application. There is little prospect of an application succeeding in the absence of such a record, which identifies investigators as exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.
More information in the ERC Work Programme 2017 (pp. 25-28 on AdG)