How can VASCERN help you?
✨NEW✨ We are thrilled to share our new 5 minute introduction video on VASCERN entitled "How can VASCERN Help You" ?This video presents VASCERN, its members and the work that our network does to improve the lives of patients with rare vascular diseases. It is a video that can be widely shared in order to spread the world about VASCERN! Read more about it here: Please let us know what you think! We are very proud of this video as it is the result of a collaborative effort from our members, so please let us know what you think! ?✏ Subtitles currently available in English and French but other EU languages coming soon! #ERNeu @Nederlands Nederlands Netwerk voor Lymfoedeem & Lipoedeem - NLNet Hevas Association Belge du Syndrome de Marfan - ABSM asbl HHT Onlus HHT Ireland HHT España @Svenska Svenska Marfanföreningen -Vlaamse Vereniging voor Erfelijke Bindweefselaandoeningen AssoMarfans Deutsche Ehlers-Danlos Initiative e. V. LGD Alliance Europe - Lymphangiomatosis en Gorham's Disease VASCAPA.asbl ... See more