✨?VASCERN App is officially launched! ?? VASCERN App is a free mobile application that is created for patients in order to facilitate cross-border healthcare within the European Union, one of the core aims of the ERNs. It is a tool that allows patients to search for the most competent Healthcare Provider (HCP) as well as patient organisations related to their rare vascular disease throughout Europe, which are members of VASCERN. Doctors will also find it useful to search for the nearest HCP with an expertise in a particular rare vascular disease. It is available for download at both the Play Store and Apple store! Currently in English, but translation in all EU languages is a project for our third year of activities. Give it a try and let us know what you think! ?✉Read all about VASCERN App here: https://vascern.eu/vascern-app-officially-launched/
HHT Onlus HHT Ireland HHT España HHT Italia AssoMarfans Association Belge du Syndrome de Marfan - ABSM asbl bindweefsel.be -Vlaamse Vereniging voor Erfelijke Bindweefselaandoeningen Deutsche Ehlers-Danlos Initiative e. V. Nederlands Netwerk voor Lymfoedeem & Lipoedeem - NLNet Hevas Patientenvereniging LGD Alliance Europe - Lymphangiomatosis en Gorham's Disease VASCAPA.asbl Svenska Marfanföreningen ... See more