European Patient Advocacy Groups (ePAGs)
Just one week away from the Pediatric and Primary Lymphedema working group (PPL-WG)'s face to face meeting in Leuven, Belgium!??
We would like to take this opportunity to say that we are looking for more European Patient Advocacy Group (ePAG) patient representatives for the PPL-WG!? ePAG patient representatives must come from a patient organisation in the EU. If you are a patient representative from a PPL-related patient association in Europe and are interested in joining the VASCERN ePAG, please send a message to or For more information about being an ePAG patient representative check out the ePAG page on EURORDIS - European Rare Diseases Organisation's website: Please share with anyone you think might be interested! :) Nederlands Netwerk voor Lymfoedeem & Lipoedeem - NLNet BeLymph Association Vivre Mieux le Lymphoedème (AVML) International Lymphoedema Framework @The The British Lymphology Society ... See more