Start of VASCERN’s 2nd Year Activities

Since March, 1st 2018, VASCERN has started its second year of activities under the 5 Year Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA)! This second year (March 2018-February 2019) will be covered by the Specific Grant Agreement (SGA) for Year 2, currently under preparation with CHAFEA (The Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency of the EU, who implements the EU Health Programme for the European Commission DG Sante).

The Specific Grant Agreement enables VASCERN to receive a European co-funding from the European Union 3rd Health Programme. This EU co-funding, representing 60% of our total budget (maximum EU contribution of 200 000 euros per ERN per year), is mainly used to co-fund:

  • The Human Resources (Coordination team, based in Hospital Bichat at the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, France)
  • The Coordination and Networking activities, such as the organisation of our 2 day annual seminar, other face-to-face meetings, and ERN representation at various ERN-related events.
  • The development of our communication and dissemination material (website, graphics tools)
  • The development of eHealth tools such as the upcoming VASCERN Mobile Application for IOS and Android as well as videos
  • Translation of VASCERN outputs in order to reach more EU patients

The actions planned during our 2nd year are the continuation of the work started during our first year, aligned with our 5 year multiannual work plan. VASCERN will concentrate its efforts on the following Work Packages (WP):

WP1 Sharing of experience: discussion of complex clinical cases on a secured Clinical Patient Management System (CPMS)
WP2 Definition of patient pathways
WP3 Free VASCERN Mobile Application for IOS & Android (Version 2)
WP4 Pills of Knowledge
WP5 Registries
WP6 Clinical trials & Research
WP7 Availability of videos on YouTube
WP8 Definition of clinical outcomes
WP9 Writing Clinical Practice Guidelines (expert consensus statements, recommendations,…)
WP10 Do’s and Don’ts factsheets
WP11 Communication and project management

With these WPs, VASCERN aims to pursue its 3 main goals:

Goal 1: Realise the potential of European cooperation regarding highly specialised healthcare for patients and for healthcare systems by exploiting innovations in medical science and health technologies.

Goal 2: Reinforce research, epidemiological surveillance like registries, and provide training for healthcare professionals.

Goal 3: Encourage the development of quality and safety benchmarks and help develop and spread best practices within and outside the European Reference Network.

Stay tuned to follow all of VASCERN’s Outputs! 

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