The 25 selected projects of the COST call for proposals 2016 have been published here (starting by CA16). It includes for instance a European network for translational research in children’s and adult interstitial lung disease, a  Biomaterials and advanced physical techniques for regenerative cardiology and neurology, A European Network for Connective Tissue Calcifying Diseases or  CliniMARK: ‘good …

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The EU Joint Action on Rare Cancers kick-off meeting was held on November, 7th. The European Commissionner for Health, Vytenis Andriukaitis mentionned European Reference Networks in his speech, as the JARC will be cooperating with ERNs on Rare Cancers. The EU Commissionner for Health pointed out: “[ERNs] are an excellent example of …

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Developped by the OECD in cooperation with the European Commission, this publication provides updated analysis of the health status of EU citizens and the performance of health systems. Read the “Health at a Glance: Europe 2016” report here Look at the Infography here More information here

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Following the ERN Technical Assessment (eligibility checks, documentation review, and on-site audit) ongoing since the proposal submission in June, VASCern, the HCP Coordinating Center (Hospital Bichat, CRMR Marfan) and its HCP member applicants have received very positive assessment reports from the Independant Assessment Body (ACSA) mandated by the European Commission. …

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VASCern Project Technical Assessment is going well, preliminary results are the following: Documentation review: out of 6 HCPs (including the Coordinating Center) selected for documentation review, 5 got positive reports. The HCP which did not receive a positive feedback will be able to provide more evidences in support to the self-assessment …

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In the framework of the preparation of the Horizon 2020 calls for 2018-2020 (Societal Challenge 1, Health, Demographic change and Well-being), the European Commission has launched a Consultative Group on the European Joint Programme (EJP) project for Rare Diseases, which held its first meeting  in October. Discussion are ongoing to design …

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The Commission has launched the web-based EU Coding Platform to support healthcare professionals and national competent authorities in tracing donated tissues and cells from donor to recipient in the entire EU. It contains information on all 2800 tissue establishments authorised in the EU as well as categories of tissue and …

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Workshop on Scaling Innovative Care Delivery for Rare Diseases and Complex Conditions was held in October by the INNOVCare Project. This project aims at bridging the gaps between health, social and local services to improve care of people living with rare and complex conditions. Presentations can be found here

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