Event Information:

  • Wed

    3rd EURORDIS Multi-Stakeholder Symposium on Improving Patients’ Access to Rare Disease Therapies

    Exctract from the presentation of the sympoisum :

    EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe is organising the 3rd Multi-Stakeholder Symposium in February 2019 to build on the outcomes of the previous multi-stakeholder Symposia held in 2016 and 2017.
    We will use the collaborative multi-stakeholder approach in the position paper ‘Breaking the Access Deadlock to Leave No-one Behind’ written in January 2018 to develop and garner broad endorsement for a ‘roadmap’ document detailing a joint vision, offering solutions and stating commitments by all players in the rare disease community aimed at accelerating the development of effective therapies and guaranteeing timely and universal access to them, thereby progressively reducing existing gaps and inequalities.
    The timing of this initiative is of the upmost importance as the European Parliament elections will take place in May 2019 and the related changes in the European institutions, in particular at the European Commission, will subsequently take place. The ongoing discussion around the establishment of the Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2021 – 2027 provides additional opportunities.
    Thus, it is essential for the rare disease community to have a clear and shared ‘roadmap’ that both highlights the critical need for a European vision and offers practical solutions that are implementable by the current and future European parliamentarians by 2025.

    For more information on this symposium : click here

    To see the full programme : click here 

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