Event Information:

  • Tue

    H2020 Call - Implementing the Strategic Research Agenda on Personalised Medicine

    Topic identifier: SC1-HCO-03-2017
    Types of action: ERA-NET-Cofund ERA-NET Cofund

    This call should aim at implementing a key area of the PerMed Strategic Research Agenda and be complementary with other funding programmes and activities at European and international level. Proposers are encouraged to include other joint activities including additional joint calls without EU co-funding. This work should be informed by the output of the coordination and support action envisaged in topic SC1-HCO-05-2016 - Coordinating personalised medicine research, without duplicating any of its work.

    The proposed ERA-NET should demonstrate the expected impact on national and transnational programmes as well as the leverage effect on European research and competitiveness, and should plan the development of key indicators for supporting this. Participation of international partners is highly encouraged.

    The Commission considers that a proposal requesting a contribution from the EU of EUR 5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

    More information here

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