New translations of Do’s and Don’ts Factsheets for Marfan Syndrome and Related Disorders (by the Heritable Thoracic Aortic Working Group – HTAD WG) now available!

We are happy to inform you that new translations of VASCERN’s Do’s and Don’ts factsheets for the chapter Marfan Syndrome and Related Disorders (by the HTAD-WG) are now available!

As a deliverable of one of VASCERN’s Work Packages (Do’s and Don’ts Factsheets: development of guidelines for optimal care of patients facing common problems not related to their rare diseases) the factsheets were developped in order to assist patients and the medical community in knowing the basic do’s and don’ts of common and emergency situations that need to be considered in patients with rare vascular diseases.

The translation of these documents is made possible by the EU co-funding from the second year of VASCERN Framework Partnership Agreement under the 3rd Health Programme of the European Union. The translations were then kindly reviewed by members of the HTAD-WG, in their native languages.

The factsheets are now available in:

Dutch here

Hungarian here

Italian here

Spanish here

Swedish and German should equally be available soon so make sure to check the HTAD Do’s and Don’ts Factsheets page for updates.

They can equally be found on the Dos and Don’ts page under HTAD here

Don’t forget that you can also find all of our translated material under the new EU languages button on our homepage. This allows for everyone to select their native language and to see what documents or media are available in the selected language.

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