Manifesto for European Health Union – Sign to support future rare disease policy

We encourage you to sign the new manifesto for a European Health Union in order to strengthen the call to all Members of Parliaments and European leaders for a better EU role in health.

A European Health Union will:

  1. Strive for the health and wellbeing of all Europeans, with no one left behind; 
  2. Strengthen solidarity within and among Member States, based on the principle of progressive universalism, providing support, including universal health coverage, for all, but with particular attention to the needs of those who are disadvantaged; 
  3. Ensure environmental sustainability, by adopting the European Green Deal[1] and prioritising measures to promote One Health, the concept that links our health with that of the animals and plants with which we share this planet;
  4. Provide security for all Europeans, protecting them from the major threats to health and from the vulnerability that is created by living a precarious existence; 
  5. Enable everyone’s voice to be heard, so that policies that affect their health are created with them and not for them.

A separate policy measure for rare diseases has been included in the manifesto and is one of the measures necessary in order for the goals above to be met: “Recognising the benefits of European collaboration on rare diseases, measures to support those who are affected by them will be strengthened”

Access the manifesto and sign it here

Please sign and share with others in the rare disease community – the more signatures that are collected, the more our voices will be heard by our political leaders!

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