Event Information:
Sat27Apr2019Tue30Apr2019Antwerp, Belgium
Fourth European Society of Human Genetics Training Course on Cardiogenetics
The fourth cardiogenetics training course supported by the European Society of Human Genetics will take place from Saturday April 27th to Tuesday April 30th 2019.
The course venue alternates between Manchester and Antwerp and this year the course is organized again in Antwerp (course organizers: Prof Bill Newman, Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine; Prof Bart Loeys, Clinical Genetics, University of Antwerp; prof Johan Saenen, cardiology, University of Antwerp)
The course is mainly intended for young trainees in genetics and cardiology and consists of lectures, interactive and case-based teaching covering clinical and molecular aspects of cardiogenetic disorders.
Prof. Bart Loeys, member of the VASCERN HTAD-WG will give several presentations at this event, including one on aortopathies.
For the course program, all other practical information and to register for the course please visit the training course website: http://ngs.uantwerpen.be/cargen2019/