Event Information:

  • Mon

    6th International Summer School Rare Disease & Orphan Drug Registries

    Rome, Italy

    The 6th International Summer School Rare Disease & Orphan Drug Registries, including a “Bring Your Own Data – BYOD” to Link Rare Disease Registries session, will take place from September 10-14, 2018, at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome, Italy.

    The International Summer school intends: i) to promote the establishment of Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR) registries in compliance with IRDiRC and EU Recommendations, with particular attention to governance, quality, sustainability and legal issues; ii) to support cooperation among different registry stakeholders and coordination with registries that are developed within European Reference Networks (ERNs) and National Plans in the EU.
    The School will consist of plenary presentations and interactive small-group exercises, according to the Problem-Based Learning methodology.

    The first part (September 10-12, 2018) will provide participants with useful tools and methodologies to plan, establish and manage the registry activities.

    The second part (September 13-14, 2018) will be a hands-on experience (Bring Your Own Data), where the attendees work with FAIR data experts to make their data FAIR and linked to other data that has been made FAIR before.

    The School is open to health professionals, researchers, medical specialists, registry curators, database managers and representatives of patients associations involved in or intend to establish a rare disease registry, including inside European Reference Networks.

    Prof Guillaume Jondeau, VASCERN Coordinator, will represent VASCERN at the first part of this event.

    Register before May 30th, 2018 via the online registration form here

    The provisional agenda for the event can be found here

    For more information click here


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