• Tue

    Call identifier: ERC-2017-StG

    ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal. Principal Investigator shall have been awarded his or her first PhD ≥ 2 and ≤ 7 years prior to 1 January 2017.

    More information in the 2017 ERC Work Programme (see pp. 21-22 for Starting Grants)


  • Tue

    The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim to maximise the value of the excellent research that the ERC funds, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.

    More information in the ERC Work Programme 2017 (pp. 36-42)

  • Tue

    Topic identifier: SC1-PM-19-2017
    Types of action: PPI Public Procurement of Innovative solutions

    Proposals should address as primary aim public procurement of innovative solutions (PPI) to facilitate the deployment of an eHealth infrastructure taking into consideration the European eHealth Interoperability Framework and EU guidelines adopted by the eHealth Network. The PPI(s), and any accompanying innovation activities in particular by participating procurers themselves to facilitate the uptake of newly developed solutions, should focus on clear target outcomes such as allowing the sharing of health information, the use of semantically interoperable Electronic Health Records (EHRs) for safety alerts, decision support, care pathways or care coordination. The scope of the PPI(s) is to specify, purchase and deploy innovative ICT based solutions which can deliver sustainable, new or improved healthcare services across organisational boundaries while implementing eHealth interoperability standards and/or specifications (e.g. EN13606, HL7, Continua Alliance, IHE...).

    The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 3 and 4 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

    More information and call documents here

  • Tue

    Topic identifier: SC1-PM-17-2017
    Types of action: RIA Research and Innovation action

    More information and call documents here

  • Wed

    The next session will take place 5-9th June 2017 in Barcelona.  The deadline for applications is 30th November 2016.

    Info and registration here

  • Wed

    COST is the longest-running European framework supporting trans-national cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe.

    You can submit your COST Action proposal at any time throughout the year via the new e-COST online submission tool. The next Collection Date is set for December 7, 2016. 

    There will be a next collection date in September 2017.

    All information on COST Action here

    Call documents and guidelines to submit a proposal here

  • Tue

    All information on the calls for Innovative Training Networks available here

    Deadline: January 10th 2017

  • Sun

    The objective of the consultation is to collect information from a wide audience on different aspects of Horizon 2020 implementation. The results of this consultation will feed into the report on the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020, will help the European Commission to improve the implementation of Horizon 2020 and will set the scene for the future discussions on the next EU research and innovation funding post-2020.

    Answer to the consultation here 

    Deadline: January 15th 2017

  • Tue

    The European Commission (DG Health) has launched a new call for proposals for a pilot project in the area of Rare Diseases. This will be founded by the European 3rd Health Programme.

    PP-2-1-2016 - Pilot project — Establishing a Registry of Rare Congenital Malformations (as part of the Rare Diseases Registry), drawing on the structure, organization and experience of the Registry of Congenital Malformations

    • The key objective of this pilot project is to set up a registry of rare congenital malformations as a part of rare diseases national registers. The project should be implemented at a national level.
    • The secondary aim of the project is to provide an example of how to extend an existing birth defects registration and surveillance system to a rare diseases registration system.
    • The birth defects registration system has already been set up in several MSs as part of the EUROCAT surveillance network. The pilot project provides a model for exploring whether a birth defects registry can be extended to form a rare diseases registry.
    • The pilot project should contribute to the development of an EU Platform on Rare Diseases Registration to provide a common access point to data collections on rare diseases across Europe and to be compatible with platform tools.

    Opening: October 27th 2016
    Deadline: January 31st 2017
    Call document: here 
    More information and link for submission here


  • Wed

    The aim of the call is to enable scientists in different countries to build an effective collaboration on a common interdisciplinary research project based on complementarities and sharing of expertise, with a clear translational research approach. Projects shall involve a group of rare diseases or a single rare disease following the European definition i.e. a disease affecting not more than five in 10.000 persons in the European Community, EC associated states and Canada.

    The specific objective of this call is to promote research projects focusing on the pre-clinical development of therapeutic approaches in suitable existing animal or cell models.

    Date of publication: December 5th 

    Deadline for proposal pre-registration: February 1, 2017

    Deadline for proposal submission: June 2nd, 2017

    More information here

    Call document: here 

    Call forms: here

    Guidelines: here


  • Thu

    Call identifier: ERC-2017-CoG

    Deadline: February, 9th 2017

    ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal. Principal Investigator shall have been awarded his or her first PhD > 7 and ≤ 12 years prior to 1 January 2017. 

    More information in the ERC 2017 Work Programme (pp. 23-24 on CoG)

  • Thu

    Being nearly at the half-way point of the 3rd Health Programme which runs from 2014 to 2020, the Commission would like to evaluate whether it is meeting its objectives and whether there is room for improvement.

    Answer here to the EU Consultation on the 3rd European Health Programme ! It is open to any interested parties in order to gather views and opinions on:

    • The objectives and priorities of the 3HP, and the extent to which these are appropriate and in line with health needs in the EU
    • The way the 3HP is implemented, and the extent to which this is effective and efficient
    • The overall added value and usefulness of the 3HP

    More info here

  • Tue

    Aim: increase knowledge on rare diseases and develop clinical research

    Eligibility: only applicants members of approved ERNs are eligible to be co-funded.

    Scope: from at least 3 countries
    Description: The activities to be carried out concern the creation of 3-4 new registries on rare diseases. These registries should constitute key instruments to increase knowledge on rare diseases and develop clinical research. Collaborative efforts to establish data collection and maintain them will be considered, provided that these resources are open and accessible. Registries should be built with the support and according to the standards set up by the European Platform on rare diseases registration and provide all necessary data to the Platform (taking the relevant data protection rules into account).

    Call text: here


    Budget: EUR 1.200.000 (indicative budgetary ceiling per grant to be awarded in 2017 is EUR 400.000, for 3 to 4 registries)

    Deadline: March, 21st

    All information: here

  • Tue

    Topic Identification:  SC1-HCO-07-2017

    Stay tuned: here

  • Tue

    Topic identifier: SC1-HCO-03-2017
    Types of action: ERA-NET-Cofund ERA-NET Cofund

    This call should aim at implementing a key area of the PerMed Strategic Research Agenda and be complementary with other funding programmes and activities at European and international level. Proposers are encouraged to include other joint activities including additional joint calls without EU co-funding. This work should be informed by the output of the coordination and support action envisaged in topic SC1-HCO-05-2016 - Coordinating personalised medicine research, without duplicating any of its work.

    The proposed ERA-NET should demonstrate the expected impact on national and transnational programmes as well as the leverage effect on European research and competitiveness, and should plan the development of key indicators for supporting this. Participation of international partners is highly encouraged.

    The Commission considers that a proposal requesting a contribution from the EU of EUR 5 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

    More information here

  • Tue

    Topic identifier: SC1-PM-03-2017
    Types of action: RIA Research and Innovation action

    Deadline: 11 April 2017

    The aim of this research should be to apply genomics and/or other –omics and/or other high-throughput approaches for the molecular characterisation of rare diseases in view of developing molecular diagnoses for a large number of undiagnosed rare diseases. Undiagnosed rare diseases may range from a group of unnamed disorders with common characteristics to a phenotypically well described disease or group of diseases with an unknown molecular basis. Genetic variability due to geographical distribution and/or different ethnicity should be taken into account as well as genotype-phenotype correlation whenever applicable. In addition, age, sex and gender aspects should be included where appropriate. This large-scale proposal should promote common standards and terminologies for rare disease classification and support appropriate bioinformatics tools and incentives to facilitate data sharing. Existing resources should be used for depositing data generated by this proposal. Molecular and/or functional characterisation may be part of the proposal to confirm diagnosis. The proposal should enable and foster scientific exchange between stakeholders from countries and regions with different practices and strategies of rare disease diagnostics.

    The selected proposal shall contribute to the objectives of, and follow the guidelines and policies of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium IRDiRC (www.irdirc.org).

    The Commission considers that requesting a contribution from the EU of around EUR 15 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of a proposal requesting other amounts.

    More information here

  • Tue

    Topic identifier: SC1-HCO-08-2017
    Types of action: CSA Coordination and support action

    Any type of activities that can help less performing countries and regions to build capacities and exploit opportunities to eventually increase their participation in EU funded collaborative projects can be supported.

    The proposals will propose concrete measures for tackling structural barriers to health research and innovation, including those related to capacity, skills, policy, regulatory environment, and economic and socio-cultural factors including gender equality issues and gender dimension in research content.

    More information and call documents here

  • Tue

    Topic identifier: SC1-PM-08-2017
    Types of action: RIA Research and Innovation action

    Deadline: April 11th 2017

    Support will be provided to clinical trials on substances where orphan designation has been given by the European Commission, where the proposed clinical trial design takes into account recommendations from protocol assistance given by the European Medicines Agency, and where a clear patient recruitment strategy is presented. Clinical trials may focus on a range of interventions with an orphan designation, from small molecule to gene or cell therapy, may include novel interventions and/or repurposing of existing and known interventions. The intervention must have been granted the EU orphan designation at the latest on the date of the full proposal call closure. A concise feasibility assessment justified by available published and preliminary preclinical or clinical results and supporting data shall also be provided. Appropriate plans to engage with patient organisations, Member States health authorities and considerations of efficacy/potential clinical benefit as well as early indication on health economics should be integrated in the application. In addition to the clinical trial, proposals may also include limited elements of late stage preclinical research and/or experimental evaluation of potential risks which must be complementary/contribute to the clinical trial(s) carried out within the proposal. The centre of gravity must clearly be the clinical trial(s). The participation of SMEs is encouraged.

    More information and call documents here

  • Tue

    Topic identifier: SC1-PM-02-2017
    Types of action: RIA Research and Innovation action

    Deadline: April 11th 2017

    Proposals should deliver novel concepts for disease-mechanism based patient stratification to address the needs for stratified or personalised therapeutic interventions. The proposals should integrate multidimensional and longitudinal data and harness the power of -omics, including pharmacogenomics, systems biomedicine approaches, network analysis and of computational modelling. The new concepts of stratification should be validated in pre-clinical and clinical studies taking into account sex and gender differences. Applicants are encouraged to actively involve patient associations. The proposals should consider regulatory aspects of clinical practice and commercialisation opportunities. Proposals should focus on complex diseases having high prevalence and high economic impact.

    The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 4 and 6 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

    More information and call documents: here

  • Tue

    Topic identifier: SC1-PM-10-2017
    Types of action: RIA Research and Innovation action

    Deadline: April 11th 2017

    Proposals should compare the use of currently available preventative or therapeutic (pharmacological as well as non-pharmacological) healthcare interventions in adults[1]. While there is no restriction on the diseases or interventions to be the focus of proposals, preference will be given to proposals focusing on interventions with high public health relevance and socio-economic impact, i.e. interventions addressing conditions that are particularly frequent, may lead to co-morbidities, have a high negative impact on the quality of life of the individual and/or are associated with significant costs or where savings can be achieved. A cost effectiveness analysis must be included. Given the focus on existing interventions, proposals will aim to contribute to improve interventions, take decisions about the discontinuation of interventions that are less effective or less cost-effective than others, and make recommendations on the most effective and cost-effective approaches. A comprehensive array of clinical and safety parameters, as well as health and socio-economic outcomes (e.g. quality of life, patient mortality, morbidity, costs, and performance of the health systems) for chosen populations should be assessed. Agreed core outcome sets (COS) should be used as endpoints in conditions where they already exist, in other cases efforts should be made to agree on such COS. Randomised controlled trials, pragmatic trials, observational studies, large scale databases and meta-analyses may be considered for this topic. Where relevant the study population should address gender as well as socio-economic differentials in health and/or any other factors that affect health equity.

    More information and call documents here

  • Tue

    Topic identifier: SC1-PM-20-2017
    Types of action: RIA Research and Innovation action

    Deadline: April 11th 2017

    More information and call documents here

  • Thu
  • Tue

    Call identifier: ERC-2017-AdG

    ERC Advanced Grant Principal Investigators are expected to be active researchers and to have a track record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years which must be presented in the application. There is little prospect of an application succeeding in the absence of such a record, which identifies investigators as exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.

    More information in the ERC Work Programme 2017 (pp. 25-28 on AdG)

  • Thu

    Publication of the call of December 7th!

    JTC 2018: "Transnational research projects on hypothesis-driven use of multi-omic integrated approaches for discovery of disease causes and/or functional validation in the context of rare diseases"

    More information here

  • Tue

    The ERN Call for Specific Grant Agreement (SGA) for the 2nd year of ERN operation (March 2018-February 2019), under the ERN 5 years Framework Partnership Agreement, has been launched on November, 22nd. The deadline to answer is on January, 9th, 2018.

    VASCERN has signed a 5 years Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) with the European Commission (2017-2022), therefore is eligible for this European Union funding for ERNs, and was invited to answer this call for a second year SGA.

    We are currently working on our proposal for our 2nd year Action Plan and budget to answer this call.

    Support for ERNs Coordination & Operation is provided by the European Union 3rd Health Programme.

    The European Union is co-funding 60% of the total budget. The maximum amount of EU contribution is 200 000 euros by ERN.

    More information 

    Database of EU 3rd Health Programme co-funded projects

    Database: info on VASCERN Framework Partnership Agreement 

    Database: info on VASCERN Specific Grant Agreement (March 2017-February 2018)


  • Tue

    The launch of the 10th E-Rare-3 Call for Proposals 2018 "Transnational research projects on hypothesis-driven use of multi-omic integrated approaches for discovery of disease causes and/or functional validation in the context of rare diseases" occurred on December 7, 2018.

    This call is aimed at scientists from different countries (see link below for list of 18 countries eligible and their respective funding organisations) wishing to establish a successful international collaboration on a common research project involving a group of rare diseases or a single rare disease. Each consortium submitting a proposal must be composed of atleast 3 eligible research partners from at least 3 different countries.

    Project proposals should highlight the added-value of transnational collaboration, should focus on hypothesis-driven use of multi-omic integrated approaches and should have a strong translational research orientation. The total budget available for this call is 18.54 M€.

    Joint Pre-proposal submission deadline: February 6, 2018 at 5 p.m. CET.

    Joint full proposal deadline (if invited): June 19, 2018 at 5 p.m. CET

    For all information on the call, including the guidelines for applicants and pre-proposal submission form, click here

  • Thu

    The European Research Area Network on Cardiovascular Diseases (ERA-CVD) has announced the Joint Transnational Call 2018 (JTC 2018) entitled “Transnational Cardiovascular Research Projects driven by Early Career Scientists” that opened on January 11th, 2018.

    This call is open to all early career scientists, which is defined as a scientist that has “been awarded his/her first doctoral degree at least 3 years and up to 10 years prior to the pre-proposal deadline of the ERA-CVD JTC 2018”, in the field of cardiovascular diseases. Funding will only be awarded to transnational projects with a minimum three research groups from three different countries (for the list of eligible countries and their corresponding funding organisations, see link below).

    This call aims to foster international collaboration and interchange between early career scientists in order to answer key questions in cardiovascular disease research with innovative and ambitious multidisciplinary research projects.

    Link to call text here

    For all other information: http://www.era-cvd.eu/294.php

    Call opens: January 11, 2018

    Deadline for submission the pre-proposals: March 15, 2018, 17:00 CET

    Deadline for submission the full-proposals: June 15, 2018, 17:00 CET

  • Wed

    The European Commision Call for the European Joint Programme Co-fund on Rare Diseases has been published:


    The overall objective is to implement a European Joint Programme (EJP) Cofund for Rare Diseases which would create a research and innovation pipeline "from bench to bedside" ensuring rapid translation of research results into clinical applications and uptake in healthcare for the benefit of patients.

    The initiative should follow the policies and contribute to the objectives of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC).

  • Thu
    17:00PM (CET)

    The objective of this action is to support Member states in improving the gathering of information on rare diseases by the implementation of Orphacodes (rare diseases specific codification system).

    For more information click here

    Submission deadline: 26 April 2018 at 17:00 PM (CET)

  • Mon

    The Orphan Disease Center is offering 39 research opportunities focusing on 23 different rare diseases. This program provides a one-year grant to support research related to a rare disease represented in the 2018 Million Dollar Bike Ride.

    Of the 23 rare diseases on the list, two grants of $50,535 are available for basic science and/or clinical research on Generalized Lymphatic Anomaly (GLA; a.k.a. lymphangiomatosis) and Gorham-Stout Disease (GSD), diseases covered by our VASCA-WG. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, genetic analysis, biomarker identification, cell line creation and characterization, and imaging.

    These two grants are made possible by Team LGDA (Lymphangiomatosis & Gorham’s Disease Alliance) and Team LMI (Lymphatic Malformation Institute).

    For more information on these two grants, or any of the others available, and how to apply, click here

    Deadline for submitting a Letter of Interest is by Monday, September 10th, 2018 by 8pm EST. 

  • Thu

    Read our article about this new EU Funding here 

    Call text available here


  • Thu

    A preliminary announcement on the first Joint Call for Proposals of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD): "Transnational research projects to accelerate diagnosis and/or explore disease progression and mechanisms of rare diseases” has been released!

    The official call is scheduled to open on December 14, 2018, with the indicative deadline for submitting the pre-proposals being foreseen for February 14, 2019

    To read all about the upcoming call click here

    The ERA-Net E-Rare has successfully implemented ten Joint Transnational Calls for rare disease research projects since 2006. This effort is now continued in the frame of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) that has been established to further help in coordinating the research efforts of European, Associated and non-European countries in the field of rare diseases and implement the objectives of the International Rare Disease Research Consortium (IRDiRC).

  • Mon

    30 September - 30 November 2019

    The first call for new members to join existing 24 ERNs is open until 30 November 2019.

    To know more about it, check out our article.


  • Tue

    A preliminary announcement on the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2020 has just been released! The topic for this call is "Pre-clinical research to develop effective therapies for rare diseases"

    Research proposals must cover at least one of the following areas:

    1. Development of novel therapies in a preclinical setting (including small molecules, repurposing drugs, cell and gene advanced therapies) focusing on condition(s) with unmet medical needs
    2. Use of disease models suitable for medicinal product’s development according to EMA guidelines
    3. Development of predictive and pharmacodynamics (PD) biomarkers (with appropriate analytical methods e.g. OMICS) in a preclinical setting (e.g. in the validated model or in pre-collected human samples) for monitoring the efficiency of the therapy. The model chosen must mimic the human diseases and be transposable so that the biomarker identified in animals can be valid for humans
    4. Proof of principle studies fostering an early (pre-clinical) stage of drug development (excluding interventional clinical trials of phase 1-4).

    The maximum duration of the project is three years and the consortium submitting a proposal must involve 4-6 (up to 8, if inclusion of partners from underrepresented countries or Early Career Researchers) eligible principal investigator partners (no more than two from the same country).

    There will be a two-stage submission procedure for joint applications: pre-proposals and full proposals.

    Pre-proposal submission deadline: 18th February 2020.

    For more information on this call, please click here.

  • Mon

    The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Research Training Workshops call aims to identify the most suitable topics for the organization of research training workshops with a cross-ERN added value. Financing covers the organization of a 2 days workshop (e.g. venue, catering & travel and accommodation of speakers and participants).

    Target: Researchers/Medical Doctors

    Applicant’s profile: Affiliated to an EJP RD beneficiary institution OR to an ERN-Full Member OR ERN-Affiliated Partner institution

    Deadline for submissions: March 2nd, 2020

    For application forms and all other information on this call, go to the EJP-RD info page here.

  • Mon

    The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Research Mobility Fellowship call aims to financially support young investigators to undertake short scientific visits (secondments) fostering specialist research training outside their countries of residence and within one of the ERN host institutions. The research mobility fellowships cover stays of 2 weeks up to 3 months.

    Target: PhD students and young Medical Doctors (having finished their first year of specialist training)

    Applicants’ profile: PhD students with a minimum of one year of research experience OR Physicians having finished their first year of specialist training AND Affiliated to an ERN institution.

    Deadline for submissions: March 16th, 2020

    For application forms and all other information on this call, go to the EJP-RD info page here.

  • Tue

    The Call for the Research - European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Networking Support Scheme (NSS) is now open!

    The scheme will provide financial support to applicants for fostering organization of workshops or conferences for new research networks or existing/expanding research networks to strengthen collaborations and to enable exchange of knowledge.

    Eligible applicants to apply for the NSS are health care professionalsresearchers and patient advocacy organizations from the following countries involved in the EJP RD (in alphabetical order):

    Armenia*, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria*, Croatia*, Czech Republic*, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia*, Greece, Hungary*, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia*, Lithuania*, Luxembourg, Malta*, Norway, Poland*, Portugal, Romania*, Serbia*, Slovakia*, Slovenia*, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey*, United Kingdom.

    The countries that are indicated with an asterisk (*) are usually seen as underrepresented countries.

    At least one Principal applicant and two co-applicants from three different countries mentioned above have to apply together for support of a Networking event.

    Maximum budget for networking event: € 30,000

    The NSS is open on a continuous basis. The applications will be collected on the following dates:

    • June 2, 2020 at 14:00 (CEST)
      IMPORTANT. This collection date is cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
    • September 1, 2020 at 14:00 (CEST)
      IMPORTANT. Exceptional extension in comparison to Call text: events may be organised between 6 and 18 months after the application date.
    • December 1, 2020 at 14:00 (CET)

    All information, including the call documents, can be found on the EJP-RD website here.

  • Mon

    The second European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Research Training Workshop Call is now open (from August 31st - September 28th, 2020)!

    The goal of the workshops is to train researchers and clinicians affiliated to ERN-Full  Members or Affiliated Partners in relevant topics on rare diseases research. Training themes may include innovative research methodologies, diagnostic research methodologies, interdisciplinary treatment approaches, such as gene therapy and transplantation, etc. Providing a cross-ERN added value is highly desired.

    The workshops will be delivered as two-day events. Topics can be proposed by clinicians/investigators affiliated to ERN-institutions or EJP RD beneficiaries.  As of 2021, there will be two deadlines for workshop topic applications per year, in January and June.

    Topics will be selected taking into consideration several elements such as:

    • Addressing cross-cutting issues relevant for ERNs
    • Multidisciplinary topics
    • Fostering collaboration (within and between ERNs)
    • No overlap with other EJP RD training activities
    • Relevance of the topic for the ERN(s)
    • Benefits for the RD community
    • Appropriate training methodology

    The workshops selected for funding will be attended only by individuals affiliated to ERN institutions. Participants will be selected by the coordinator of the ERN managing institution and the workshop organizer based on pre-defined criteria. The costs for the workshop organization will be covered up to a limit of € 25,000.

    Applicants/Application profile:

    The applicant submitting workshop topics must fit one of the following:

    • Affiliated to any EJP RD beneficiary institution. The list of EJP RD beneficiary organizations can be found here 
    • Affiliated to an ERN full member. The list of full ERN members per country and per network can be found here
    • Affiliated to an ERN Affiliated Partner institution at the time when the application is submitted, as well as during the period of the execution of the workshop.


    Deadline to apply is September 28th, 2020

    For the full call text please click here

    More information on the call here

  • Thu

    The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom -2020-2 eHealth call (implemented by The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)) was published on June 30th, 2020!

    Read the call document here

    The actions funded under this call for proposals should contribute to:

    • The continued use of the ERN Collaborative Platform (ECP) and of the Clinical
      Patient Management System (CPMS), which facilitate access to highly
      specialised knowledge and care for patients suffering from rare and complex
    • The improvement of current functionalities and adding of new functionalities to
      the ERN Clinical Patient Management System, which will enhance the possibility
      to collect and analyse clinical data across borders to support public health and
      research, and also better adapt the CPMS to the ERN specific clinical needs.
    • The promotion of the European Reference Networks within the medical
      community by suitable learning and training activities.


    Deadline for submission of proposals is Thursday 5 November 2020 (5PM Brussels time).

    Evaluation of proposals November 2020 – January 2021 (indicative)

    Consultation of the CEF Committee March – April 2021 (indicative)

    Adoption of the Selection Decision April 2021 (indicative)

    VASCERN will be submitting a proposal in order to ensure the continuation and improvement of the IT services offered to our members (helpdesk, eLearning activities, monitoring system support, and other IT related activities).

    A 2020-2 CEF Telecom call virtual Info Day will occur on 16 July 2020.

    More information on the call can be found here

  • Wed

    The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2021 has been launched on December 16th, 2020!

    The topic for this next call will be “Social sciences and Humanities Research to improve health care implementation and everyday life of people living with a rare disease”.

    Transnational research proposals must cover at least one of the following areas, which are equal in relevance for this call:

    • Health & social care services research to improve patient and familial/household health outcomes
    • Economic Impact of Rare diseases
    • Psychological and Social Impact of Rare diseases
    • Studies addressing the impact/burden of the delay in diagnosis and of the lack of therapeutic intervention.
    • e-Health in rare diseases: Use of innovative technology systems for care practices in health and social services
    • Development and enhancement of health outcomes research methods in rare diseases
    • Effects of pandemic crisis and the global outbreak alert and response on the rare disease field, and the emergence of innovative care pathways in this regard.

    Each consortium submitting a proposal must involve at least three principal investigator partners from at least three different countries that are joining this Call JTC 2021. The maximum duration of the project is 3 years.


    • February 16th, 2021: Pre-proposal submission deadline
    • End of April 2021: Invitation to full proposal
    • June 15th, 2021: Full proposal submission deadline
    • July 30th, 2021: Deadline for rebuttals
    • November 2021: Notification of funding decision


    More information here: https://www.ejprarediseases.org/index.php/ejprd-jtc2021/

  • Sun

    The third edition of EJP-RD's  ‘ERN RD Training and Support Program‘ has been announced! The aim of this program is to fill the gap in the available educational offer on rare diseases research by creating and implementing a comprehensive and cohesive training program for different target groups such as researchers and young clinicians working at institutions that are Full Members or Affiliated Partners of the European Reference Networks (ERNs). 

    To this end, two main training elements will be delivered: 

    1. Research Training Workshops - now open for applications until March 7th, 2021
    2. Research Mobility Fellowships for secondments outside the home country - to open in February 2021

    For all information on these two calls (including call texts and application forms), visit the EJP-RD page here

  • Mon

    The EJP RD Research Mobility Fellowships funding opportunity is open! The call aims to support PhD students, Postdocs and medical doctors in training to undertake scientific visits fostering specialist research training outside their countries of residence.

    The exchange can be carried out within the same ERN (Full Members and Affiliated Partners), between different ERNs (Full Members and Affiliated Partners) and between ERN Full Members / Affiliated Partners and non-ERN institutions.

    Either home or host (secondment) institution must be a Full Member or Affiliated Partner of an ERN at the time when the application is submitted, as well as during the proposed period of the training stay.

    Successful applicants should acquire new competences and knowledge related to their research on rare diseases, with a defined research plan and demonstrable benefit to the ERN of the home and/or host institution.

    The research mobility fellowships are meant to cover stays of 4 weeks to 6 months duration.






  • Mon

    The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases has launched the ERN Research Training Workshops funding opportunity. The goal of the workshops is to train researchers and clinicians affiliated to ERN- Full  Members or – Affiliated Partners in relevant topics on research in rare diseases. Training themes may include innovative research methodologies, diagnostic research methodologies, interdisciplinary treatment approaches, such as gene therapy and transplantation, etc. Moreover, the workshops will be aiming to provide a cross-ERN added value.  

    The workshops will be delivered as two-day events. The costs for the workshop organization will be covered up to a limit of €25.000 (venue, administrative, audio-visual and IT facilities essential for the workshop, catering, travel and accommodation expenses of workshops participants and invited speakers, if envisaged). 

    The workshops selected for funding will be attended only by individuals affiliated to ERN institutions. Participants will be selected by the coordinator of the ERN managing institution and the workshop organizer based on pre-defined criteria. 

     Organizer's profile: 

     The applicant submitting workshop topics must fulfil one of the following conditions: 

    • Affiliated to any EJP RD beneficiary institution
    • Affiliated to an ERN Full Member
    • Affiliated to an ERN Affiliated Partner institution at the time when the application is submitted, as well as during the period of the execution of the workshop. 

    Application and more information here.

    Deadline to apply October 4th, 2021

  • Tue

    The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases just pre-announced the Joint Transnational Call 2022, a funding opportunity for research projects on the development of new analytic tools and pathways to accelerate diagnosis and facilitate diagnostic monitoring of rare diseases.

    The aim of the funding opportunity is to enable scientists in different countries to build an effective collaboration on a common interdisciplinary research project based on complementarities and sharing of expertise, with expected impact to use the results in the future for benefit of patients

    TopicDevelopment of new analytic tools and pathways to accelerate diagnosis and facilitate diagnostic monitoring of rare diseases

    The call will open on December 14th. 

    Timetable, contact, and more information here: https://www.ejprarediseases.org/joint-transnational-call-2022/ 


  • Wed
    The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases announced on December 14th 2021 the official launch of the Joint Transnational Call 2022, a funding opportunity for research projects on the development of new analytic tools and pathways to accelerate diagnosis and facilitate diagnostic monitoring of rare diseases.
    The aim of the funding opportunity is to enable scientists in different countries to build an effective collaboration on a common interdisciplinary research project based on complementarities and sharing of expertise, with expected impact to use the results in the future for benefit of patients
    TopicDevelopment of new analytic tools and pathways to accelerate diagnosis and facilitate diagnostic monitoring of rare diseases
    16 February: Pre-proposal submission deadline
  • Wed

    The ERN Research Training Workshops funding opportunity is now open for applications until April 25th. The goal of the workshops is to train researchers and clinicians affiliated to ERN- Full  Members or – Affiliated Partners in relevant topics on research in rare diseases. Training themes may include innovative research methodologies, diagnostic research topics, interdisciplinary treatment approaches, such as gene therapy and transplantation, etc. Moreover, the workshops will be aiming to provide a cross-ERN added value.  

    The workshops will be delivered as two-day events. The costs for the workshop organization will be covered up to a limit of €25,000 (venue, administrative, audio-visual and IT facilities essential for the workshop, catering, travel and accommodation expenses of workshops participants and invited speakers, if envisaged). 

    The workshops selected for funding will be attended only by individuals affiliated to ERN institutions. Participants will be selected by the coordinator of the ERN managing institution and the workshop organizer based on pre-defined criteria. 

    Application, organiser’s profile, and more: https://www.ejprarediseases.org/ern-research-training-workshop/ 


  • Mon

    EJP RD is glad to announce today (May 2nd) the opening of the call for Research Mobility Fellowships, which aims to support PhD students, postdocs and medical doctors in training to undertake scientific visits fostering specialist research training outside their countries of residence.

    Deadline: 13 June

    The exchange can be carried out (1) within the same ERN (Full Members and Affiliated Partners), (2) between different ERNs (Full Members and Affiliated Partners), or (3) between ERN Full Members / Affiliated Partners and non-ERN institutions.

    Either home or host (secondment) institution must be a Full Member or Affiliated Partner of an ERN at the time when the application is submitted, as well as during the proposed period of the training stay.

    Successful applicants should acquire new competences and knowledge related to their research on rare diseases, with a defined research plan and demonstrable benefit to the ERN of the home and/or host institution.

    The research mobility fellowships are meant to cover stays of 4 weeks to 6 months duration.

    More information here.

  • Tue

    University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) and Fondazione Telethon (FTELE) along with other EJP RD partners are organizing an EJP RD Training Workshop titled “Genetic Biobanks for Rare Disease Research” targeted at biomedical researchers, medical professionals, and biobank managers who want to learn about genetic biobanks in rare disease research.

    The training workshop will take place over two days on June 14th – 15th from 09.00 – 17.00 CET.

    The training workshop is organized as a series of lectures presented by experts in the specific topics. The first day of the training will focus on Data Management and Tools. The second day will cover the ELSI aspects biobankingEuropean privacy regulations (GDPR)ELSI considerations in genetics, and the stainability of biobanks including a discussion on public-private collaborations.

    Registration for the workshop is free but mandatory and open to the international research community, clinicians, medical specialists, RD biobank managers, healthcare professionals and RD patient representatives.

    Registration closes on May 29th, and those selected to participate from among the applicants will be informed of their selection on June 2nd.

    More information and registration here: https://www.ejprarediseases.org/event/genetic-biobanks-for-rare-disease-research-2/

  • Mon

    The European Commission is pleased to inform you that the 2023 Stakeholders’ targeted consultation on EU4Health priorities, strategic orientation, and needs is now open and will run until 27 June 2022.

    This targeted consultation is intended to seek the opinion of stakeholders including the wide European health community such as hospitals, organizations representing patients, civil society, and other parties active in public health and social issues; healthcare professionals and healthcare providers; researchers, academia, and experts networks; businesses and their associations; and Member States authorities, about current and future EU health priorities and strategic orientations and on key health needs to be addressed through EU4Health annual Work Programmes, providing inputs for reflection on the 2023 EU4Health Work Programme and beyond.

    You can find more information on the consultation here.

    Fill the survey here

  • Thu

    The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Networking Support Scheme (NSS) is now open!

    The scheme will provide financial support to applicants for fostering organization of workshops or conferences for new research networks or existing/expanding research networks to strengthen collaborations and to enable exchange of knowledge.

    Eligible applicants to apply for the NSS are health care professionalsresearchers and patient advocacy organizations from the following countries involved in the EJP RD (in alphabetical order):

    Armenia*, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria*, Croatia*, Czech Republic*, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia*, Greece, Hungary*, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia*, Lithuania*, Luxembourg, Malta*, Norway, Poland*, Portugal, Romania*, Serbia*, Slovakia*, Slovenia*, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey*, United Kingdom.

    The countries that are indicated with an asterisk (*) are usually seen as underrepresented countries.

    At least one Principal applicant and two co-applicants from three different countries mentioned above have to apply together for support of a Networking event.

    Maximum budget for networking event: € 30,000

    The NSS is open on a continuous basis.

    The applications will be collected on the following preliminary dates in 2022.

    • September 1, 2022 at 14.00 (CEST)
    • December 1, 2022 at 14.00 (CET)

    All information, including the call documents, can be found on the EJP-RD website here.

  • Sat

    The ERN Research Training Workshops funding opportunity is now open for applications until October 15th. The goal of the workshops is to train researchers and clinicians affiliated to ERN- Full  Members or – Affiliated Partners in relevant topics on research in rare diseases. Training themes may include innovative research methodologies, diagnostic research topics, interdisciplinary treatment approaches, such as gene therapy and transplantation, etc. Moreover, the workshops will be aiming to provide a cross-ERN added value.

    The workshops will be delivered as two-day events. The costs for the workshop organization will be covered up to a limit of €25,000 (venue, administrative, audio-visual and IT facilities essential for the workshop, catering, travel and accommodation expenses of workshops participants and invited speakers, if envisaged).

    The workshops selected for funding will be attended only by individuals affiliated to ERN institutions. Participants will be selected by the coordinator of the ERN managing institution and the workshop organizer based on pre-defined criteria.

    Application, organiser’s profile, and more: https://www.ejprarediseases.org/ern-research-training-workshop/

  • Sun

    The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) is glad to announce that the last round for the Research Mobility Fellowships funding opportunity will open on October, 3rd, 2022. The call aims to support PhD students, postdocs, and medical doctors in training to undertake scientific visits fostering specialist research training outside their countries of residence.

    The exchange can be carried out (1) within the same ERN (Full Members and Affiliated Partners), (2) between different ERNs (Full Members and Affiliated Partners), or (3) between ERN Full Members / Affiliated Partners and non-ERN institutions.

    Either home or host (secondment) institution must be a Full Member or Affiliated Partner of an ERN at the time when the application is submitted, as well as during the proposed period of the training stay.

    Successful applicants should acquire new competences and knowledge related to their research on rare diseases, with a defined research plan and demonstrable benefit to the ERN of the home and/or host institution.

    The research mobility fellowships are meant to cover stays of 4 weeks to 6 months duration.

    More information here.

  • Thu

    The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Networking Support Scheme (NSS) is now open!

    The scheme will provide financial support to applicants for fostering organization of workshops or conferences for new research networks or existing/expanding research networks to strengthen collaborations and to enable exchange of knowledge.

    Eligible applicants to apply for the NSS are health care professionals, researchers and patient advocacy organizations from the following countries involved in the EJP RD (in alphabetical order):

    Armenia*, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria*, Croatia*, Czech Republic*, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia*, Greece, Hungary*, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia*, Lithuania*, Luxembourg, Malta*, Norway, Poland*, Portugal, Romania*, Serbia*, Slovakia*, Slovenia*, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Türkiye*, United Kingdom.

    The countries that are indicated with an asterisk (*) are usually seen as underrepresented countries.

    At least one Principal applicant and two co-applicants from three different countries mentioned above have to apply together for support of a Networking event.

    Maximum budget for networking event: € 30,000

    The last collection date for the Networking Support Scheme in EJP-RD is December 1, 2022 at 14.00 (CET).

    All information, including the call documents, can be found on the EJP-RD website here.

  • Wed
    Berlin, Germany

    EJP RD is pleased to announce that the next edition of the 7th RE(ACT) Congress and 5th IRDiRC Conference will be held in person in Berlin, Germany from March 15th – 18th, 2023.

    The joint event “RE(ACT) Congress and IRDiRC Conference 2023” aims to bring together scientific leaders and experts and young scientists from various breakthrough scientific fields to present cutting-edge research, exchange ideas, and discuss rare diseases research policies. Patients and patient organizations committed to research will also be in attendance to share their experiences and perspectives.

    The RE(ACT) Congress and IRDiRC Conference 2023 represents an exciting program with outstanding speakers and an in-person event with multiple ways of networking!

    We look forward to welcoming you to Berlin in March 2023. More information here: https://www.ejprarediseases.org/save-the-date-react-congress-and-irdirc-conference-2023/

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