• Tue

    A preliminary announcement on the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2020 has just been released! The topic for this call is "Pre-clinical research to develop effective therapies for rare diseases"

    Research proposals must cover at least one of the following areas:

    1. Development of novel therapies in a preclinical setting (including small molecules, repurposing drugs, cell and gene advanced therapies) focusing on condition(s) with unmet medical needs
    2. Use of disease models suitable for medicinal product’s development according to EMA guidelines
    3. Development of predictive and pharmacodynamics (PD) biomarkers (with appropriate analytical methods e.g. OMICS) in a preclinical setting (e.g. in the validated model or in pre-collected human samples) for monitoring the efficiency of the therapy. The model chosen must mimic the human diseases and be transposable so that the biomarker identified in animals can be valid for humans
    4. Proof of principle studies fostering an early (pre-clinical) stage of drug development (excluding interventional clinical trials of phase 1-4).

    The maximum duration of the project is three years and the consortium submitting a proposal must involve 4-6 (up to 8, if inclusion of partners from underrepresented countries or Early Career Researchers) eligible principal investigator partners (no more than two from the same country).

    There will be a two-stage submission procedure for joint applications: pre-proposals and full proposals.

    Pre-proposal submission deadline: 18th February 2020.

    For more information on this call, please click here.

  • Mon

    The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Research Training Workshops call aims to identify the most suitable topics for the organization of research training workshops with a cross-ERN added value. Financing covers the organization of a 2 days workshop (e.g. venue, catering & travel and accommodation of speakers and participants).

    Target: Researchers/Medical Doctors

    Applicant’s profile: Affiliated to an EJP RD beneficiary institution OR to an ERN-Full Member OR ERN-Affiliated Partner institution

    Deadline for submissions: March 2nd, 2020

    For application forms and all other information on this call, go to the EJP-RD info page here.

  • Mon

    The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Research Mobility Fellowship call aims to financially support young investigators to undertake short scientific visits (secondments) fostering specialist research training outside their countries of residence and within one of the ERN host institutions. The research mobility fellowships cover stays of 2 weeks up to 3 months.

    Target: PhD students and young Medical Doctors (having finished their first year of specialist training)

    Applicants’ profile: PhD students with a minimum of one year of research experience OR Physicians having finished their first year of specialist training AND Affiliated to an ERN institution.

    Deadline for submissions: March 16th, 2020

    For application forms and all other information on this call, go to the EJP-RD info page here.

  • Tue

    The Call for the Research - European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Networking Support Scheme (NSS) is now open!

    The scheme will provide financial support to applicants for fostering organization of workshops or conferences for new research networks or existing/expanding research networks to strengthen collaborations and to enable exchange of knowledge.

    Eligible applicants to apply for the NSS are health care professionalsresearchers and patient advocacy organizations from the following countries involved in the EJP RD (in alphabetical order):

    Armenia*, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria*, Croatia*, Czech Republic*, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, France, Germany, Georgia*, Greece, Hungary*, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia*, Lithuania*, Luxembourg, Malta*, Norway, Poland*, Portugal, Romania*, Serbia*, Slovakia*, Slovenia*, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey*, United Kingdom.

    The countries that are indicated with an asterisk (*) are usually seen as underrepresented countries.

    At least one Principal applicant and two co-applicants from three different countries mentioned above have to apply together for support of a Networking event.

    Maximum budget for networking event: € 30,000

    The NSS is open on a continuous basis. The applications will be collected on the following dates:

    • June 2, 2020 at 14:00 (CEST)
      IMPORTANT. This collection date is cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
    • September 1, 2020 at 14:00 (CEST)
      IMPORTANT. Exceptional extension in comparison to Call text: events may be organised between 6 and 18 months after the application date.
    • December 1, 2020 at 14:00 (CET)

    All information, including the call documents, can be found on the EJP-RD website here.

  • Mon

    The second European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Research Training Workshop Call is now open (from August 31st - September 28th, 2020)!

    The goal of the workshops is to train researchers and clinicians affiliated to ERN-Full  Members or Affiliated Partners in relevant topics on rare diseases research. Training themes may include innovative research methodologies, diagnostic research methodologies, interdisciplinary treatment approaches, such as gene therapy and transplantation, etc. Providing a cross-ERN added value is highly desired.

    The workshops will be delivered as two-day events. Topics can be proposed by clinicians/investigators affiliated to ERN-institutions or EJP RD beneficiaries.  As of 2021, there will be two deadlines for workshop topic applications per year, in January and June.

    Topics will be selected taking into consideration several elements such as:

    • Addressing cross-cutting issues relevant for ERNs
    • Multidisciplinary topics
    • Fostering collaboration (within and between ERNs)
    • No overlap with other EJP RD training activities
    • Relevance of the topic for the ERN(s)
    • Benefits for the RD community
    • Appropriate training methodology

    The workshops selected for funding will be attended only by individuals affiliated to ERN institutions. Participants will be selected by the coordinator of the ERN managing institution and the workshop organizer based on pre-defined criteria. The costs for the workshop organization will be covered up to a limit of € 25,000.

    Applicants/Application profile:

    The applicant submitting workshop topics must fit one of the following:

    • Affiliated to any EJP RD beneficiary institution. The list of EJP RD beneficiary organizations can be found here 
    • Affiliated to an ERN full member. The list of full ERN members per country and per network can be found here
    • Affiliated to an ERN Affiliated Partner institution at the time when the application is submitted, as well as during the period of the execution of the workshop.


    Deadline to apply is September 28th, 2020

    For the full call text please click here

    More information on the call here

  • Thu

    The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom -2020-2 eHealth call (implemented by The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA)) was published on June 30th, 2020!

    Read the call document here

    The actions funded under this call for proposals should contribute to:

    • The continued use of the ERN Collaborative Platform (ECP) and of the Clinical
      Patient Management System (CPMS), which facilitate access to highly
      specialised knowledge and care for patients suffering from rare and complex
    • The improvement of current functionalities and adding of new functionalities to
      the ERN Clinical Patient Management System, which will enhance the possibility
      to collect and analyse clinical data across borders to support public health and
      research, and also better adapt the CPMS to the ERN specific clinical needs.
    • The promotion of the European Reference Networks within the medical
      community by suitable learning and training activities.


    Deadline for submission of proposals is Thursday 5 November 2020 (5PM Brussels time).

    Evaluation of proposals November 2020 – January 2021 (indicative)

    Consultation of the CEF Committee March – April 2021 (indicative)

    Adoption of the Selection Decision April 2021 (indicative)

    VASCERN will be submitting a proposal in order to ensure the continuation and improvement of the IT services offered to our members (helpdesk, eLearning activities, monitoring system support, and other IT related activities).

    A 2020-2 CEF Telecom call virtual Info Day will occur on 16 July 2020.

    More information on the call can be found here

  • Wed

    The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2021 has been launched on December 16th, 2020!

    The topic for this next call will be “Social sciences and Humanities Research to improve health care implementation and everyday life of people living with a rare disease”.

    Transnational research proposals must cover at least one of the following areas, which are equal in relevance for this call:

    • Health & social care services research to improve patient and familial/household health outcomes
    • Economic Impact of Rare diseases
    • Psychological and Social Impact of Rare diseases
    • Studies addressing the impact/burden of the delay in diagnosis and of the lack of therapeutic intervention.
    • e-Health in rare diseases: Use of innovative technology systems for care practices in health and social services
    • Development and enhancement of health outcomes research methods in rare diseases
    • Effects of pandemic crisis and the global outbreak alert and response on the rare disease field, and the emergence of innovative care pathways in this regard.

    Each consortium submitting a proposal must involve at least three principal investigator partners from at least three different countries that are joining this Call JTC 2021. The maximum duration of the project is 3 years.


    • February 16th, 2021: Pre-proposal submission deadline
    • End of April 2021: Invitation to full proposal
    • June 15th, 2021: Full proposal submission deadline
    • July 30th, 2021: Deadline for rebuttals
    • November 2021: Notification of funding decision


    More information here: https://www.ejprarediseases.org/index.php/ejprd-jtc2021/

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