Research News: HHT Member new publication

A new collaborative research publication has been published in the JAMA by Dr. Sophie Dupuis-Girod, Co-chair of the VASCern HHT-WG and HCP Representative of the French HHT Reference Center, Hospices Civils de Lyon:

Effect of Bevacizumab Nasal Spray on Epistaxis Duration in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangectasia:  A Randomized Clinical Trial | Sep 06, 2016 | JAMA | JAMA Network

Sophie Dupuis-Girod, PhD1,2; Alexis Ambrun, MD3; Evelyne Decullier, PhD4,5; Anne-Emmanuelle Fargeton, MSc1,2; Adeline Roux, MSc4; Valentine Bréant, PharmD6; Bettina Colombet, PharmD6; Sophie Rivière, MD7; César Cartier, MD8; Pascal Lacombe, PhD9; Thierry Chinet, PhD10; Sandra Blivet, MD10; Jean-Hugues Blondel, MD11; Brigitte Gilbert-Dussardier, PhD12; Xavier Dufour, PhD13; Justin Michel, MD14; Jean-Robert Harle, PhD14; Patrick Dessi, MD15; Frédéric Faure, PhD16

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