General Patient Pathway for Pediatric and Primary lymphedema now available

We are happy to announce that the General Patient Pathway for Pediatric and Primary Lymphedema (PPL), by our PPL Working Group (WG), is now online!

Look at the General Patient Pathway for Pediatric and Primary Lymphedema here

You can equally find the pathway on the VASCERN website here or at the PPL WG’s page, under the heading “patient pathways”, here.

This pathway is a result of many dedicated discussions by the PPL WG, involving both healthcare providers and patient advocates, that ended with its finalisation taking place at VASCERN Days 2019.

Patient Pathways aim to improve the care and management of patients with a rare disease. They are a very important tool used in defining the best patient care. Disease (or group of disease)-specific patient pathways are being developped by each of VASCERN’s Rare Disease Working Groups (RDWGs) in order to indicate the optimal mode of evaluation for patient diagnosis, the optimal evaluation of the patient once the diagnosis is made, and the optimal follow-up and therapy for the patient. Definition of (improved) patient pathways is one of our Work Package’s deliverables for Year 3.

Congratulations to the PPL WG on the production of this valuable clinical decision making tool!

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