FAVA-Multi videos on Pediatric and Primary Lymphedema now with English subtitles

The French network on rare multisystemic vascular diseases (FAVA-Multi) has released a series of tutorial videos for children with Pediatric and Primary Lymphedema (PPL). These videos were filmed during a therapeutic patient education trip organised by the Reference Center for Primary Lymphedema at Hôpital Cognacq-Jay (VASCERN member of the PPL-WG).

The videos are in French but, thanks to help from VASCERN, subtitles in English are now also available. They are a great resource for children with PPL as they feature children with PPL giving tutorials on the following topics:

The link to the Youtube Playlist for the 5 videos can be found here.

To access the English subtitles click on the settings button (the gear icon)>subtitles>English!

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