A novel blood vessel disorder and its genetic cause discovered Researchers in the group of Prof M. Vikkula of the de Duve Institute in close collaboration with the Vascular Anomalies Center (Prof Laurence Boon) and the Center for Human Genetics (Dr Nicole Revencu), both at Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, discovered a …

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New collaborative publications have been published these last months by the Chairs of VASCERN Pediatric and Primary Lymphedema Working Group, Dr. Robert Damstra and Prof. Sahar Mansour and her HCP substitute representative, Prof Peter Mortiner: Circumferential suction-assisted lipectomy in the treatment of primary and secondary end-stage lymphoedema of the leg. Lamprou …

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A new HTAD-WG collaborative research paper has been published by Prof Guillaume Jondeau and CRMR Marfan team members (Dr Olivier Milleron, Maud Langeois, Myrtille Spentchian, Prof Catherine Boileau) as well as HTAD-WG and HHT-WG Members (Prof Julie de Backer, Prof Yskert Von Kodolitsch, Dr Sophie Dupuis-Girod) and Centers cooperating with the network (Prof …

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The paper on the identification of the cause of BRBN syndrome was published in the January issue of Journal of Investigative Dermatology. This collaborative research paper has been written by VASCern VASCA-WG Chair, Prof Miikka Vikkula, Prof Laurence Boon and their team members Julie Soblet, Antonella Mendola, Raphaël Helaers, Melanie Uebelhoer, HCP …

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A new collaborative research publication has been published in the JAMA by Dr. Sophie Dupuis-Girod, Co-chair of the VASCern HHT-WG and HCP Representative of the French HHT Reference Center, Hospices Civils de Lyon: Effect of Bevacizumab Nasal Spray on Epistaxis Duration in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangectasia:  A Randomized Clinical Trial | Sep …

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