The European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis, has announced on Friday 17th his new initiative “state of health of the EU” gathers experts together in order to stengthen country-specific as well as EU-wide knowledge with regard to health.  Factsheet on State of Health in the EU More info …

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The Tender for the ERN IT Platform, “a Scalable software as a service (SaaS) for a clinical patient management system to support European reference networks” – was launched on Friday, 17th. The procurement documents are available here. This competitive dialogue is designed to provide the contracting authority with a clinical patient …

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Our European Reference Network project proposal on Rare Multistemic Vascular Diseases (VASCern) has been submitted on June, 21st, together with the 31 Healthcare Providers (HCPs) Membership Applications to answer the European Commission ERN and Framework Partnership Agreement Call for proposals 2016. Stay tuned to follow the updates on the various …

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The ERN 2016 call deadline is approaching (June, 21st) ! Most of our HCPs Members Applicants have finalised their application and got their letters of national endorsement from their governments, the last ones are expected in the upcoming days. Our Network proposals are also being finalised! More information will be uploaded …

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The European Commission has published a leaflet on European eHealth policy available here. ERNs will promote innovative clinical solutions (telemedicine), ideas and new possibilities in medical research with potentially far-reaching benefits for patients. More information on our Network plans on eHealth here

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The International Lymphedema Framework (ILF) camp for children present two videos: – Highlights of the children camps, which is going to be replicated this year in Italy – Children explaining what it means living with Lymphoedema   

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The ERN Board of Member States has published an official statement on “Affiliated Partners”. ERNs should plan how they will integrate and cooperate with such Affiliated Partners. These Partners will be HCPs designated by Member States, following application process and the relevant criteria. They will be from Member States with no HCPs already …

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EU Reports on quality and safety standards for human blood, tissues and cells as well as on Strategies across Europe to assess quality of care were published. More information and reports here and here

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