New provisions in the Horizon 2020 (European Union Programme for Research and Innovation) Model Grant Agreement bring about reinforced rules regarding Research Integrity. Article 34 of the MGA calls for beneficiaries to respect “the principles of honesty, reliability, objectivity, impartiality, open communication, duty of care, and fairness and responsibility for future science …

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“The European Research Council (ERC) announces its 2017 grant competitions with a total budget of around €1.8 billion, the highest ever since the ERC’s inception in 2007. It is also the record ERC annual funding reserved for young researchers with two to seven years of post-PhD experience (Starting grants).”. Besides, the …

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The eHealth Network held its 9th meeting in Amsterdam on June, 7th. On the agenda: implementation of the eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure (eHDSI), identification for the exchange of personal health data, legal aspects of cross-border exchange of health data, implementation of the digital single market strategy, standardisation and interoperability, mobile …

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The European Commission has released a factsheet on the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) role with regard to the Health sector. “EFSI, cornerstone of the Investment Plan, can support investment in innovative health solutions, new effective medicines and social infrastructures. By investing in medical infrastructure, services and research, EFSI is contributing to the EU’s …

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ORPHANET and the French National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA) have developed a new thesaurus services on ORPHANET on Rare Diseases’ Disability. Rare Diseases will be progressively described in this thesaurus using the terms adapted from the international classification on Disability. This service is available in 7 EU languages (French, English, …

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The European Commission has released new educational material regarding cross-border healthcare (moving within the European Union, rules when living in another EU country etc.).

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The European Patient Forum (EPF) campaign for patient empowerment ended on  June 22nd. The closing ceremony took place at the European Parliament and the EPF delivered some strong political messages. The Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis pledged to “continue to promote the necessary shift from organisation-centred to patient-centred …

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BBMRI- LPC (Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure – Large Prospective Cohorts) is one of the largest biobanking networks in Europe aiming to facilitate scientists’ access to large prospective study sets on human health and disease. The 2016 BBMRI – LPC Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) Call is offering a unique opportunity to genetically …

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The Personalised Medicine Conference’s presentations and videos are available here, including sessions about: Developing awareness and empowerment, Integrating Big Data and ICT Solutions,  Translating Basic to Clinical Research and Beyond, Bringing Innovation to the Market, Shaping Sustainable Healthcare  

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